Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Funnier in my head

Me too kid story
There are so many times when I experience something, I want to blurt out a response, but don't. I suppose its because my mom raised me to be polite, speak when spoken to, and respect your elders. Well I have to admit, most of the time I do follow these rules, but every once in a while I blurt something out. I may catch the person(s) off guard & make them a little surprised. So I'm working on the blurting thing. I do think that this also has something to do with the fact that I am the 4th of 5 children. If you wanted to be heard in my family, you had to talk fast & loud.

To help me overcome this "issue" of mine, I started realizing that when I am recounting a simple story or situation that occurred in my home (I have 2 little girls {8 & 10}, a husband, 2 girl dogs, 2 girl cats & do not forget the occassional turtle, lizard, tree frog, crawfish, palmetto bug (more on those at a later time)) the truth is, I recall that the story was WAY funnier in my head. But why don't I/we see that humor when it immediately happens? Who knows. But rest assured I like this new dimension of mine.

Let me give you a quick example & maybe some of you can share a thing or too here.

My daughter (10 year old) was with me doing some random errands. We of course had the dogs because well because they're Sallie & Suzie & like most dogs - they really enjoy that wind in their face & tongue hanging 2 miles back behind the car. It so happened that at the store we were at there were also some turkey vultures (no really) & ducks & what I think some new baby duckling-vultures. Cute now, but we'll see. Anyway, my daughter decides to take Sallie & Suzie with her to look at them; against my advice. Well needless to say, she was towed by the dogs, on her backend in a sled-like position sans the sled & sans snow. The dumb ducks stood & watched & soon feathers were everywhere. Its the classic "slip on the banna" spill. Of course, I went to help but not without giggling.

The replay of this in my head is too funny, and I didn't blurt anything out :)

Send me your replays.


1 comment:

Final Embrace said...

Congrats, Lynne on starting your blog.
You'll soon get addicted.
Just promise me you'll pick an interval for posts and stick to it. I post everyday on my blog, but you can make yours a different interval.
Don't forget that your readers will look forward to regular posts from you, so keep 'em coming.
Good Luck!